Glenwood to host RAGBRAI LI

The City of Glenwood and the Mills County Chamber of Commerce are thrilled to announce that Glenwood has been selected as the official start town for the 51st Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across lowa (RAGBRAI LI). This honor recognizes Glenwood as the launching point for one of the nation’s most iconic and beloved cycling events.

RAGBRAI, known for its scenic routes, vibrant communities, and enthusiastic cyclists, attracts participants from across the country. As the chosen start town for the 8th time in its history, Glenwood is gearing up to host thousands of cyclists and spectators who will embark on the week-long journey across lowa. Local businesses, residents, and community organizations are excited to welcome RAGBRAI participants and provide a positive, memorable experience.

“We are honored to have RAGBRAI back in Glenwood. While I know it’s a large undertaking for everyone involved, this is a great opportunity to come together, showcase our community, and welcome all ofour guests,” said Angie Winquist, Mayor of Glenwood.

While specific details about the route and festivities are in the very early planning stages, organizers assure that more information will be released in the coming weeks. Residents, businesses, and organizations are encouraged to stay tuned for updates on how they can get involved and contribute to the success of RAGBRAI LI.

For further information or media inquires, please contact:

Jennie Davis
Executive Director
Mills County Chamber of Commerce
Amber Farnan
City Administrator
City of Glenwood


6 responses to “Glenwood to host RAGBRAI LI”

  1. Debbi L Wedel Avatar
    Debbi L Wedel

    Hi Glenwood! We are looking forward to seeing you all again! I wanted to start the conversation about host housing. This will be Team TROLL’s 35 RAGBRAI. We are a small family team with my dad as our leader! He is 86! While I consider him tuf as nails – I realize he needs a bed to sleep on! So please let me know how you are managing the process of host housing. Thank you so very much.
    Debbi or 913-219-4428


    1. Hi Debbi, Please see our Request Housing page and we’d be glad to find a spot for your team!


  2. Marc Gabriel Avatar
    Marc Gabriel

    Coming in from Tucson ArIzona, where will I be able park my vehicle???
    Thank you,
    Marc Gabriel


    1. Hi Marc, You will want to get a pass from the RAGBRAI site at:
      That is the only way to guarantee your spot in our official lots.


  3. Good morning

    my team will be arriving on Friday evening for the Expo and start of the ride. I am the driver of the support vehicle and have already purchased my passes. My question is, will there be camping available on Friday and Saturday evenings, or should I look elsewhere?

    thank you in advance ,

    Judy Adams


    1. Hi Mike,
      Could you email us at There is definitely camping available Saturday, we can email you information for Friday night.
      Thank you!


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